Philippe Gendreau wrote:

>I'd really like to make that work...
>I settled for updating just the window theme (it's running full screen
>anyway). I could not find more information than what's in the pygtk
>tutorial (rc_parse('rc file')).
>I'd really appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction of some
>docs or programs that make use of this kind of stuff.
>My main question now is:
>How do I update the application theme for all present and future widgets?
For gtk 1.2, pretty much the only way to cause all future apps to use 
the new theme, you need to write out a ~/.gtkrc file.

For gtk 2.0, the recommended way is to use an XSETTINGS manager.  GNOME 
2.0 provides such a daemon (gnome-settings-daemon), and you can control 
it with gconf.  Simply change the "/desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme" 
key to the name of the theme you want.  If that doesn't do what you 
want, you can create a ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file with the following line:
    gtk-theme-name = "foo"

Note that the theme name from the XSETTINGS manager will take precedence 
to the one in the ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file.


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