On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, Christian Reis wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 08:30:46AM -0400, LDC - Pablo Endres Lozada wrote:
> >     Hi, I drew some pixmaps on a Drawing Area and now I 
> >     need to detect a click on them.  Any ideas?
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 08:30:46AM -0400, LDC - Pablo Endres Lozada wrote:
> >     Hi, I drew some pixmaps on a Drawing Area and now I 
> >     need to detect a click on them.  Any ideas?
> Use the "button_press_event" signal, I guess, if nothing higher-level is
> offered by the drawingarea.

        Ok here is how I'm doing the painting:

                self.pixmacOK, mask = 
gtk.create_pixmap_from_xpm(self.Main, self.style.bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL], 

                area.draw_pixmap(self.gc, self.pixmacOK, 0, 0, x1, y,
                         self.pixmacOK.width, self.pixmacOK.height)

        How do I setup the event handler to a simple pixmap or even
        easyer how to a draw a gtk.Pixmap on the Drawing area?

> Take care,
> --
> Christian Reis, Senior Engineer, Async Open Source, Brazil.
> http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 261 2331 | NMFL

                Muchas personas creen que piensan,
                cuando en realidad sólo están reordenando sus
                                        - William James
      /  .-.               Pablo Endres Lozada                        .-.  \
     |  /   \       Laboratorio Docente de Computacion              /   \  |
     | |\_.  |                USB - Venezuela                      |    /| |
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