On Sat, 2002-11-02 at 04:45, LDC - Pablo Endres Lozada wrote:
>       This is a mixed question, has some python and pytk
>       I have my python app and it's gui (pygtk), the app
>       has it's own threads so when I exit the gui with
>       gtk.mainquit() it doesn't end all the app.
>       How can I see all the threads and kill them form the interface?
>       Any Ideas

>From the python docs for threading.Thread:

there are no priorities, no thread groups, and threads cannot be
destroyed, stopped, suspended, resumed, or interrupted

As far as I know you cant kill them all, sys.exit() is probbly your only
choice if the threads wont abort on their own.


*  Rob Brown-Bayliss
*  =================    
*      zoism.org
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