On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 07:12, Christian Reis wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 03:29:01PM +0100, René Olsthoorn wrote:
> > Dear list-readers,
> >  
> > I discovered that pango's markup language also allows exact font setting.
> > Setting the string to: '<span foreground="blue" size="38000">Blue
> > text</span> has <i>size 38</i>!' sets text to font 38.
> > By the way: the example only works on GTK2 and Python2, I think.
> -> FAQ 7.3

Some folks might find it does not work, I had tried this  few weeks ago
and it worked up to about the same size as the <big> tag in pango, after
that the fonts dropped to about 1-2 points.  After upgrading to a later
GTK snapshot this has been fixed.


*  Rob Brown-Bayliss
*  =================    
*      zoism.org
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