> I am looking for open source software written with
> Python and the Gtk2 bindings to see pygtk2 in action
> for real world applications in order to learn from the
> source code.
> are there any open source applications done with
> pygtk2 ?

If you're interested in textview or treeview you 
could try http://meld.sf.net (diff viewer)

As has been said in other posts, pygtk documentation is
almost non-existant. Plain gtk docs will get you most of
the relevant information however and there is always
"filter( lambda x:x.find("foo")!=-1, dir(object) )" :)

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frgsbag 100 100 zbirgb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 0 frgtenl fubj
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Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

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