 > Is this GTK 1.2 or 2.x?

Ah, I should have mentioned that this is with Gtk 2.

Take care,

Christian Reis on January 10, 2003 wrote:
 > On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 05:19:04PM -0500, Jesse Pavel wrote:
 > > 
 > > I've read that timeout functions registered with gtk.timeout_add()
 > > may be called from a separate thread; but is this true even if I
 > This was a rumor that Jon Nelson brought up, and I have yet to see proof
 > of it. I *think* your approach is safe, and that only the GTK thread
 > will be used for all GTK operations, no matter what (after all, it *is*
 > GTK who is driving the mainloop). 
 > I don't know anything about threads, though: "I did not say this.. I am
 > not here." (Guild Navigator in Dune)
 > > calls--store events in a Queue, from which they would be picked up
 > > by a timeout handler that I hoped would run in the gtk main thread.
 > > I wanted to use this design in order to account for setups where
 > > GTK threading is unavailable or broken.
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