I'm using python 2.2 and pygtk 1.99.14, gtk 2.2.0 and friends.

I'm running across an odd problem when I use a large number of widgets,
and some of them are ones that inherit from original gtk widgets.   When
first created, these objects seem intact; however, the first time a
signal callback is called, the objects' attribute dictionaries are

I'm attaching a version of the program that I stripped down to about 50
lines.  Instruction for running this:

  python stripped.py <num of ColorWidgets>

Basically, this program makes a bunch of notebook pages, each with a
button that lets you set its color (the notebook tabs are hidden so that
the thing isn't huge).  The clicked signal callback prints out the
object's attribute dictionary and then attempts to set the color via
calling the dialog, which belongs to the main window.

Compare 'python stripped.py 10' versus 'python stripped.py 80'.  80
color buttons is an extravagant amount, but 80 widgets of various types
is not so extravagant.

I'm definitely not running out of memory; nor am I using threads in my
own code.

I've searched the PyGTK FAQ for 'many widgets', 'inheritance',
'subclass', and 'ExtensionClass' (from browsing search results from the
mailing list) but I didn't find an answer.

Is this a known problem, and is there a workaround?  Or am I just doing
something wrong?  Thanks.

| Lackland's Laws:
|       (1) Never be first.  (2) Never be last.  (3) Never volunteer
|       for anything
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