>   libart in python? no, sorry.

Okay, but does anyone know _how_ one can create a curve?

I've though about using four x,y coordinates, start_x, start_y,
modify_left_x, modify_left_y, modify_right_x, modify_right_y, and end_x,
end_y, and then calculating a straight line from start_x,start_y to
end_x,end_y, modifying the line afterwards, but I can't quite get my head
wrapped around how.

>   Maybe you should try gnomeprint. If you want interactivity, you should
> use gnome.canvas. They are both in the gnome-python package.

I'll look, but does it handle curves? And also, I'd rather use something
in Gtk or program it myself to avoid to many dependencies.



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