Dear readers,

At time of writing (2003.03.06), there is no entryfield validation in GTK. No support 
for currency, integer(little bit with spinbutton), date or percentage values.
I've coded a little bit, which might be useful to you.
The validation of the entry is done when it receives an focus_out_event. This is what 
I want because imho users must be free to enter anything. No beeping or blinking when 
the user happens to hit an incorrect key! And when validating, the program will remove 
the incorrect characters.
Download the example from my page at:
To keep the example simple, I didn't use libglade or date entry.
Keep in mind that the code you can download is software in progress, so it's not 
perfect. And if somebody knows python code that does a better job at validation, 
please let me know.
(that guys coding ZOPE really never coded something like this? I can hardly imagine...)

Greets and best whishes,
Rene Olsthoorn.

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