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> On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 08:29:45AM +0100, Maik Hertha wrote:
> > > Really?  Can't you just use connect() and return True 
> when a double
> > > click is performed (event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS)?
> > > 
> > Then I need a little assistance. The current situation is:
> > - - the double-click propagates a button.clicked() signal 
> to raise a 
> > dialog-window
> > - - the dialog-window pops up and is transient to the parent-window.
> Sounds pretty normal to me. So it's button_press_event and 
> then window.show(). 
> > At this point I get a X-Server deadlock. This could only be solved
> Eh? This doesn't sound right. Isn't it just your app that hanged?

Yes, true. But the X-Server too (Mandrake9.0/XFree4.2/KDE3.0).

> > with ctrl-alt-backsp.  I mention that if the click-signal of the 
> > button is triggered, the function never returns while the dialog is 
> > up. Yes, the dialog would create its own mainloop. In 1.2 
> this problem 
> > was solved with a w.connect_after(). How to do in 2.0? I think 
> > starting an extra thread is a little bit beyond the goal.
> A connect_after() to do what?
Show the dialog, start the new mainloop in dialogs-context, quit the dialog and return 
values. Update the mainwindow.

- --- snippet

class BaseDialog( gtk.Dialog ):
        ''' basisklasse für dialoge '''
        def __init__(self, parent=None):
                gtk.Dialog.__init__( self )
                self.connect('delete_event', self.quit)

                self.set_position( gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER ) # in der bildschirmmitte
                if parent:
                        self.set_transient_for( parent )        # vor dem elternfenster
                self.set_modal( TRUE )
                self.msg_area = gtk.VBox()
                self.vbox.pack_start( self.msg_area )

        def quit(self, *args):
                ''' die abarbeitung '''

        def run(self):
                ''' versetzt die funktion in die ablaufschleife '''
                gtk.mainloop()                                  # ende abwarten

class SimpleDialog(BaseDialog):
        def __init__(self, parent=None):
                BaseDialog.__init__(self, parent)

class PrinterOptionsDialog(SimpleDialog):
        ''' klasse für die definition der drucker optionen '''
        def __init__(self, parent=None, printer=None):
                SimpleDialog.__init__(self, parent)

Main_appwindow defines:
                self.set_options_button.connect('clicked',   self.onSetOptionsClicked)

                self.user_printers_clist.connect('select-row',     self.onRowSelected)
                self.user_printers_clist.connect('unselect-row',   self.onRowSelected)
self.onRowBtn2Clicked)  <<< deadlocks the X-Server

        def onRowBtn2Clicked(self, clist, ev):
                ''' verarbeitet doppelklicks auf die zeilen  '''
                print clist.selection, ev.button, ev.type
                if not clist.selection:
                data = clist.get_row_data( clist.selection[0] )
                if ev.button == 1 and ev.type == 5:
                        self.set_options_button.clicked()               <<< trigger 
the options dialog signal in the context
                return FALSE                                            #   of the 
current event_scope

        def onSetOptionsClicked(self, btn):
                ''' rufe den options dialog für den aktuell selektierten Drucker '''
                _cl = self.user_printers_clist
                _pr = _cl.get_row_data( _cl.selection[0] )

                #print 'onSetOptionsClicked: ', _pr.name
                dlg = PrinterOptionsDialog(self, _pr)
                newopts = dlg.run()                            <<<< dialog is shown, 
but kills the app if only w.connect(..
                                                           # if w.connect_after(.. It 
is done as expected.
                _pr.mf2def.options = newopts.split(',')
                #print 'onSetOptionsClicked: ', newopts, ' to ', _pr.mf2def.options
                self.setApplyActive()   # änderungen übernehmen aktivieren

- ---- snippet/.

Hope it is clear enough.
Thank you for your help.

- --maik./
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32)


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