On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 08:51:24PM +0100, Stephen Kennedy wrote:

> When a cell is set to be editable, how
> do I actually set it into the 'editing'
> state?

view.set_cursor(path, viewcol, gtk.TRUE)

> gtk_cell_renderer_start_editing takes
> a lot of lowlevel parameters and at this
> stage there is no gdkEvent to pass on.
> def on_rename_activate(self, menuitem):
>     path = self._get_selected_paths()[0]
>     iter = self.model.get_iter(path)
>     self.model.set_value(iter, EDITABLE_COLUMN, 1)

      # get the TreeViewColumn, viewcol, that corresponds 
      # to this store column
      self.view.set_cursor(path, viewcol, gtk.TRUE)
Dave Cook

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