On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, James Henstridge wrote:
> I haven't wrapped g_signal_connect_object(), but it should be possible 
> to get a similar behaviour pretty easily with some code something like 
> the following (untested):

I'd like something that disconnects the handler when the object is
destroyed, not when it is garbage collected because I can control when it
is destroyed, but not when it is garbage collected.  I'm currently using
the following, which works except that a warning is logged if the handler
is disconnected before _disconnect_callback() is invoked (because
disconnect is called multiple times with the same handler id).

def _disconnect_callback(destroyed_obj, connected_obj, handler_id):
  """ Helper function for connect_while_alive; disconnects the handler
  associated with the given handler_id from the obj. """


def connect_while_alive(signal_obj, signal_name, callback, alive_obj,
  """ Connects the callback to the given signal_obj and arranges for
  it to be disconnected when the alive_obj is destroyed.  alive_obj
  must define a 'destroy' signal (all GtkObject derived classes do).
  handler_id = signal_obj.connect(signal_name, callback, *extra_args)
  alive_obj.connect('destroy', _disconnect_callback, signal_obj, \
  return handler_id

This works (except for the warning), but things would be a bit cleaner if 
it were a builtin method rather than an external function.

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