I've just uploaded a new release of pygtk. The corresponding gnome-python release isn't ready yet, but should be in a few days (I still need to review a few more of the bug reports).

You can download it from one of:


Here is a summary of some of the changes:

   * Threading support is compiled in by default now.  It is necessary
     to call gtk.threads_init() in order to make use of threading
     though.  There have been a number of fixes to the threading
     support too.
   * Fix up some problems with multiple definitions of global variables
     in gobject module, that was causing problems on Mac OS X.
   * Wrappers for many new APIs (John Finlay, Naofumi Yasufuku, Johan
     Dahlin and others).
   * Improvements to the code generator to give better error messages.
   * Some fixes to property APIs to work correctly on 64 bit systems,
     and to handle ATOM type properties.
   * Fix copyright headers on source files.

For a full list, please consult bugzilla.

There are a few issues with the pygtk's interactions with the Python garbage collector. Since pygtk makes use of reference loops in order to link the wrapper to the underlying GObject, the GC needs to run for wrapped GObjects to be freed. In most cases this isn't a problem, but in some cases it can act as a memory leak.

To solve this problem, either add gc.collect() calls where needed, or reduce the garbage collection threshold using gc.set_threshold(). I would like feedback on what sort of thresholds for the GC work well with pygtk apps.

This is likely to be one of the last 1.99.x releases of pygtk before 2.0. After that, I'll create a branch for 2.0 development and then focus on doing a quick 2.2 release (which should be a much shorter release cycle).


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