A Qui, 2003-08-07 às 19:22, Iñaki García Etxebarria escreveu:
> Howdy everyone,
> Attached goes a patch against pygtk 1.99.17 that lets you do things like
> ---
> label = gtk.Label()
> label.label = 'Hello World' # Changes the label in the gui
> print label.label # prints 'Hello World'

  Perhaps it is wiser to add a small prefix to the python attribute, to
avoid possible conflicts with user code? Example:
label = gtk.Label()
label.prop_label = 'Hello World' # Changes the label in the gui
print label.prop_label # prints 'Hello World'

  Or maybe not... Either way is fine by me, I think this is a great

> ---
> for any gobject. I.e., setting gobject properties as if they were
> regular attributes. I hope this hasn't been decided against before, imho
> it is nice sugar.
> I'm a novice with Python and not an expert with gtk2, so I don't expect
> it to be accepted (the method is certainly not optimal and probably not
> Pythonesque in style), but hopefully it will inspire someone to
> implement the feature properly.
> Kind regards,
> Iñaki
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