On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 09:22:45AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We were working with Red Hat 8 and 9.  We noticed that PyGTK
> on Red Hat 8 (pygtk2-1.99.12) has threads turned off.  Red Hat 9
> does NOT have it turned off.  We wondered if this was because it
> is common knowledge PyGTK threads were unstable until recently.

That's quite true. A lot of good work went in very recently (I see a
number of people with their hands raised, and yeah, a lot of the code
and testing was contributed -- thanks folks)

> Even in Red Hat 9 we tried using idle/timeout handlers and
> moving all PyGTK commands to main thread/process but it
> still had problems.

But I surmise it was better than with RH8's version?

> We finally gave up assuming PyGTK thread support was not
> that mature yet.  This does not mean Python threads or GTK+ are not
> mature technologies but just the glue (PyGTK threads support) that
> seems immature.

Well, in fact there's some pretty complicated interaction between Python
threading support (and the Python GIL) and threading in C modules. PyGTK
is on the more complex end of the problem, but I do believe the recently
released version (1.99.17) is much better.

> I could be wrong but that was where we left the project.  We moved
> to PyGTK with forks and execs and now all is stable after abandoning
> threads.

Sounds good enough. If you have the time, give 1.99.17 (or CVS HEAD,
which is even better) a spin and let us know if it worked out.

Take care,
Christian Reis, Senior Engineer, Async Open Source, Brazil.
http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 261 2331 | NMFL
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