Hi List,

As the subject says...

Problem #1: I can't make an arbitrary row active in a CList.

`select_row' seemed to be fine, but I realized when I changed position
using the keyboard after the call, that the actual position remains
the same.

I know about a workaround, more precisely moving the actual row into a
new position with `row_move' or `swap_rows', and swapping the contents
of the rows, but a cleaner way should be better.

BTW, is there any way to make the active selection disappear and
emulating it with colorized row background?
Or should I write my own CList? ;)

Problem #2: This code below doesn't work as expected:

s = '/-\|'

for i in range(1, 100):
    my_silly_label.set_text(s[i % 4])

In this example `my_silly_label' (which is a `Label' as you might
guess :) doesn't get refreshed in the loop, but right after that.

Thank you for your time,



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