Cedric Gustin said:
> At 06:17 PM 9/3/2003 -0400, Charles Lepple wrote:
>>AssertionError: required version '2.0' not found on system
>>... which is probably a result of calling pygtk.require('2.0').
> Right, py2exe does not like it, as your final executable does not know
> what sys.path and sys.modules contain.

So pygtk.require() is more to ensure that the version of pygtk is 2.0
(well, 1.99.x, I guess) than to select GTK+ 2?

> Just get rid of it and it should work. At least py2exe works for me on the
> glade example (glade-demo.py). Just make sure that py2exe does not include
> the GTK+ DLLs (except libglade-2.0.dll and libxml2.dll) and ask your final
> users to install the dropline GTK+ distribution instead.

This is where it gets a little fuzzy. When you say "make sure it does not
include the DLLs", should I use '--excludes=' on the command line, or
should I do this manually? (Jamey Cribbs' post, which suggests an
alternate method-- namely, incorporating all of the GTK+ libraries and
data files into the dist directory-- made me wonder if I'm doing this part

Also, digging further into this revealed that I may not be handling the
path correctly (to locate the GTK+ DLLs). Here's an excerpt of my
gtk_path.py module (based heavily on code from the PyGTK FAQ):

    import _winreg, msvcrt, sys
    k = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\GTK\\2.0")
    os.environ['PATH'] = "%s\\lib;%s\\bin;%s\\DLLs;%s" \
            % (gtkdir[0], gtkdir[0], sys.prefix, os.environ['PATH'])

I import this in setup.py so that py2exe can find the DLLs when importing
pygtk. py2exe won't this value of PATH in my final executable, will it?
Also, is setup.py where I should import modules such as pango and atk
(considering that I don't reference them directly anywhere else)?

Thanks to all of you who have helped out so far.

Charles Lepple <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

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