Gary Herron [Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 10:31:10AM -0700]:
> > Well, I thought that this might be because of the columns auto-sizing
> > option. I did set_size(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED) on all columns. Still
> > the same behaviour. How could I get around it? I don't want the TreeView to
> > "scan" throught rows in my model when those rows are not visible, because
> > it takes much time.
> Well now you've gone beyond my knowledge of TreeView's, but I think

Thank you for your response and a link to FAQ, Gary. However, GTK+
developers just told me, that one of the scans is for sure a "validation
scan" - and there's no possilibity of turning it off. Such possibility will
be added in 2.4. Thank you.

Michal Pasternak ::
Noise to meet you.
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