
Today I were trying to make these bindings.
Finally, with a coctail of good luck, faqs and faqs, some other packages etc..
.. I made them work..

Well I have a couple of questions:

first: if i want to reuse objects returned by it, then, I should use the .defs and 
definitions that pygtk's codegen builds? Is there another, more.. manual way to do?

second: where should I take the pygtk's codegen from? I used the one from my 
debian's python-gtk2 source packages, but have had lots of problems (for example,
doesn't have autoget.sh, to automake/confs problems..).. so i wanted
to checkout, if there exists some stable version?

third: is something like that avaible? where?

Well.. finally i couldn't have working with the 1.11. faq section.. i did all but.. i 
finnish that cause i didn't have autogen.sh, i tried running autoconf aclocal 
finally taked an autogen.sh frrom python-gnome, but when it runs automake said: can't 
find Makefile.am
(the file was there..) .. well .. lots of problems.. :-(

Then i checked the faq on ibm's site, referenced in 1.11, and handled to get it 

Well.. if someone, needs it, i can send it.
See ya!
+ There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark.

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