On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 10:47:47AM -0800, Jeff Bowden wrote:
> Are the pygtk developers on this list or is there a separate dev list 
> somewhere?

We're on the list, but we're hiding from you!

More seriously, I've asked Gustavo and he says there doesn't appear to
be a leak in your case -- it could just be a case of Python's
"interesting" gc behaviour. So we're suggesting you add a
gc.collect() call inside your loop and seeing if it improves. If it
does, you're entitled to write a FAQ that explains your problem and
solution <wink>. 

(If not, we'll still be hiding here if you need us.)

Take care,
Christian Robottom Reis | http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 261 2331
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

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