On Fri, 2003-12-12 at 14:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I would like to write a gnome application using gnome-python (without
> glade) but I havn't been able to find any examples or documentation
> showing how to do it. I can only find examples from a couple years
> ago, showing how it used to be done the old way with the earlier
> version of pygtk and with the deprecated " from foo import * "
> statements. The reason I want to go through this without glade is to
> have a better understanding of what is going on "under the hood". Can
> anyone point me to some example code or documentation showing how to
> do this?
> --Doug Blanding

Get pygtk tarball and have a look at the example dir (esp pygtk-demo).

Xavier Ordoquy.

Thanks for your suggestion. You are right. There is an example there called appwindow.py which builds an application window pretty much like what I want, complete with menubar, toolbar and statusbar. But I am thinking there is a call to gnomeui.App (or something like that) which creates the application window automatically (complete with menubar, toolbar and statusbar). According to some old documentation I read, you used to be able to do this. But now with pygtk2 and the new python-gnome, I haven't seen any examples or documentation to show how to do it.
--Doug Blanding

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