"Somesh Bartakke"  writes:

> can you tell mw comparision points bet pygtk annd other gui tools ?
I think you'll find several comparisons with a little googling, 
(some usefull bits might also be found in the paralell thread 
"IDLE-Gtk / Should PyGtk be proposed for the Python 2.4 release?")
but here is mine:

I have some (not much) experience with Tkinter, pyGtk and (even less) wxPython.

IMHO, Tkinter is a really fine gui toolkit. The problem is that it is
old. This means it won't really get new stuff (like new widgets) and
it will look out-of place in modern desktops. If you only want a
simple gui, like a couple of buttons and entry fields, Tkinter is
really easy. If you need a toolkit for something bigger, choose pygtk

In comparison with pygtk, wxPython is really bad. When I fooled around
with it, I could segfault it pretty easily. Of course, these segfaults
where my fault (supplying a bad argument somewhere, using a wrong
callback, etc.) but getting a verbose error message is _much_ more
helpfull than getting a simple "Segmentation fault", which tells
_nothing_ about _what_ you are doing wrong. One of the reasons I use
python is because error messages and crashes actually make sense. So
getting segmentation faults from a toolkit is really bad. It is
especially bad when you would want to play around in the interactive

Apart from that, parts of wxPython look really ugly. For example, in
wxMenu, you apparently need to use numerical constants to define menu
options. That might be fine when you are coding in C or C++, but in
Python it looks awfully bad.
(an example: http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/DragAndDrop
some selected lines:
     # Declare GUI Constants 
     MENU_FILE_EXIT = 101
     menu1.Append(MENU_FILE_EXIT, "E&xit", "Quit Application") 
     EVT_MENU(self, MENU_FILE_EXIT, self.CloseWindow) 

Here, the code is using a numerical constant to refer to an object. Doing that
in Python is truly stupid.)

In fact, wxPython is so bad somebody created a 
"A friendly python-like wrapper for wxPython."
(Of course, with this he will have wrappers 3 deep (wax - wxPython - wxWindows - gtk)!)

I have the feeling that wxPython is a great toolkit _if_ you are
coming from C++ or MFC or somesuch. It might be great compared to
windows gui programming, but its sure not better than pygtk.

Abel Daniel
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/

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