
Please help a python-gtk newbie.

I tried starting to write a first application for learning purpose which
sets some meta informations for a file. Let's say you have a file foo.
You load the file foo into the UI and now you can supply a URL
where you downloaded the file from. That information is written for
example into foo.readme. Ok, That is no problem. That is easily written
with pure Python. But now the to GUI part:

The UI is build with Glade. I want to separate the GUI from the data
logic.  But I have no idea how to merge them together. My idea:

class File():
    Loads and writes the *.readme meta information for a file.
    *** finished and ready ***

class UI():
    Loads the Glade-XML and holds references to the widgets.
    I can run a gtk.main() and display the window and have references to
    the widgets (self.url = self.xml.get_widget("url_entry")

class Application():
    ""Handles loading and updating the UI and calling the File functions"""

But how!? I am too stupid, it seems. Could anybody fill in some abstract
functions which help me get started?

Regards, Kai
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