Thanks for the response (and to Christian RR), I'm getting the feeling
that almost no one seems to think this is a workable idea, the main
thing I was interested in guaging was which direction to take my
exsisting editor project in... if it looked like people would push to
see PyGTK in the standard libraries I would go in an IDLE influenced
direction, if not I have a bit more freedom (I don't see the point in
porting IDLE if your not aiming for the standard distibution, although I
am likely to "borrow" a few bits!)

The "Fat Python" project looks interesting I'll try and keep up with it.


On Wed, 2004-06-23 at 16:09, Michael McLay wrote:
> On Friday 18 June 2004 8:59 am, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> >     Matt> There have been several discussions on the list in the last few
> >     Matt> months about trying to get PyGTK into the standard library, ...
> I would like to see PyGtk become part of the core Python distribution, 
> however, this is an unrealistic goal in the short term. There is no way that 
> PyGtk will be added to the next Python release. The alpha is going to be out 
> in about a month and PyGtk would be much to big of an addition at this late 
> date.  It isn't clear that PyGtk is the "best" choice for replacing Tkinter. 
> Unless PyGtk takes a substantial lead over PyQt and wxPython it is unlikely 
> that Guido will approve the selection of one GUI toolkit over the others. 
> Also, the core developers would not want such a big addition to the code that 
> must be maintained in the official release. They will argue that PyGtk should 
> evolve separately. 
> There is a second approach that is realistic and probably also more workable. 
> At PyCon we had a "Fat Python" BoF session. The goal was to build a super 
> distribution of Python that would include many Python based pieces of 
> software. I'd like to see PyGtk become a foundation piece for this 
> distribution. The distribution will most likely also include wxPython and 
> PyQt, but we should try to make PyGtk the preferred GUI platform for the 
> future of Python. (A few months ago I saw a reference to a hack that allowed 
> Qt and Gtk mainloops to be run in the same process. If it can be done, then I 
> would expect Python to be the language with the best chance of making it 
> possible to build apps that used widgets from both toolkits.) 
> Discussion of the Fat Python distribution is on the python-grants mailing list 
> at:
> There are a also a couple wiki pages on that are being used to 
> organize the Fat Python distribution:
> >
> >     Matt> there where however a few buts...
> >
> >     Matt> 1. Documentation -
> As a separate distribution from the core language the documentation shouldn't 
> be a problem. We distribute the PyGtk FAQ, API and Tutorials as part of the 
> Fat Python distribution. It doesn't need to be integrated into the core 
> Python manual.
> >     Matt> 2. Windows -
> The Fat Python distribution is KNOPPIX based release. We will be picking 
> software that generally also is available on Windows, but for the first 
> release the Fat Python will use Linux as the target platform. There are other 
> distributions of Python that is targeting Windows. 
> >     Matt> 3.Idle -
> One of the other posts to this thread included someone volunteering to 
> re-target Idle to PyGtk. I think this is a grand idea. I hope others will 
> join this effort. 
> > 4. Mac OSX - Is GTK available on Mac OSX without X11?  Tkinter does have
> > the advantage that TkAqua is available for non-X environments.
> For now the Gtk 2.0 release is only available on the Mac using the X11 API. 
> This is included with the latest OSX distribution, so it isn't a 
> show-stopper. I talked with Tamer Fahmy at PyCon about getting Gtk 2.0 ported 
> to Aqua. He was considering this as a summer project. I haven't talked with 
> him since the conference to see if anything has happened on this task.

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