On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 14:56, John Finlay wrote:
> Alex Roitman wrote:
> >If you'd like me to put my work where my mouth is :-), let me know and I
> >can scribble something.
> >
> Contributions are always cheerfully accepted.

Say, if I were to write that section, what tools should I use to create
a nice page? 

I want it to fit into the overall style, and to minimize monkeying
around with manually switching tags, class names, etc.

Any docbook template/example? 


Alexander Roitman   http://ebner.neuroscience.umn.edu/people/alex.html
Dept. of Neuroscience, Lions Research Building
2001 6th Street SE, Minneapolis, MN  55455
Tel (612) 625-7566   FAX (612) 626-9201

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