On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 01:13:28AM +0000, Christian Bird wrote:

> I've got a question about the best way to iterate over the items in a
> TreeView starting with an arbitrary item in the treeview.  I'm trying

#untested back-of-the-envelope coding!  
#Uses the gtk standard of returning False on match.

def search_func(model, col, key, iter, user_data):
    value = model.get_value(iter, col)
    return value!=key

def search(model, col, key, iter, search_func, user_data):
    if search_func(model, col, key, iter, user_data):
        for i in range(model.iter_n_children()):
             child = model.iter_nth_child(i)
             search(model, col, key, child, search_func, user_data)
        yeild iter
mysearch = search(model, 0, 'foobar', it, search_func)
matches = list(mysearch)

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