A Qui, 2004-07-22 às 01:49, Christian Robottom Reis escreveu:
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 07:18:25PM -0500, Doug Quale wrote:
> > > You'd also need to specify a way to discover, store (and restore on
> > > startup/widget construction) these preferences per-user and per-widget
> > > -- or is that up to the application programmer?
> > 
> > I was imagining a simple system that required the application
> > programmer to save the preferences and load them into the appropriate
> > widgets by hand.  This would be very tedious, but smarter mechanisms
> > could be built on top of those low level facilities.  Maybe this is
> > aiming too low.
> > 
> > A more integrated facility such as what bonobo docks and toolbars
> > provide (automatically remembers and restores toolbar configuration at
> > application shutdown and startup) would be even better.

  BonoboUI stores toolbar state in GConf.  But the programmer has to
specify the GConf key, so it isn't 100% automatic (thankfully).

> I'd shoot for something transparent, that you simply threw a switch in
> the application and ~user/.appname/state was generated and kept up to
> date automatically for you. That'd be a killer feature for app-writers.

  Let's not get carried away.  I bet this problem will eventually get
solved by the GNOME folks.  I will probably involve GConf, by making
GConf depend on D-Bus instead of Bonobo, then gtk+ would depend on
GConf, and we live happily ever after.

  Of course, if wiki wants to do its own thing in the mean time[1], it
makes perfect sense.

[1] could take a long time to get this implemented in gtk+, if one
remembers about the file selector...

Gustavo João Alves Marques Carneiro
The universe is always one step beyond logic.

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