Randy> Thanks Steve. I've located the C source for (pre-Gtk2.0 version
    Randy> of) GtkDial, but have not found the PyGtk wrapper.  I would like
    Randy> to get the wrapper (Python/C source?), so I would at least have a
    Randy> chance of porting the widget to recent versions of Gtk/PyGtk in
    Randy> the future (and provide hope to my client that analog gauges are
    Randy> in the works).  Any idea where I can find the PyGtk wrapper, even
    Randy> though it won't work with Gtk2.0?

You might try downloading a pre-gtk-2.0 version of PyGTK and checking to see
if it's in there.  For the most part the current PyGTK wrappers are
generated from some lisp-y interface definitions.  Take a look at
gtk/gtk.defs.  For things the .defs files can't handle, you can write a
.override file.  Look at gtk/gtkwidget.override for an example.  I don't
recall if the pre-2.0 stuff used the .defs/.override files.  If so, you
should be able to modify them slightly.  If not, they aren't that tough to
write.  I'd look at the .def file for a functionally similar widget, such as
GtkProgressBar or GtkScale.

Skip Montanaro
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