Code that predates my presence on the current project I work on is littered
with stuff like this:

    class SomeClass(gobject.GObject):
        my_signal = -1

        def __init__(self, underlying_symbol):
            if SomeClass.my_signal < 0:
                SomeClass.my_signal = gobject.signal_new(...)

A couple casual tries on my part to migrate the signal_new() call out of the
__init__() method suggested that's not possible (though it's been long
enough ago I don't remember the precise error I got).  I could have sworn
the last time I used PyGTK heavily (a couple years ago) that it was possible
to create the signal at the module scope, like so:

    class SomeClass(gobject.GObject):
        my_signal = -1

        def __init__(self, underlying_symbol):

    SomeClass.my_signal = gobject.signal_new(...)

Before I dig deeper into this, am I really stuck waiting to create signals?


Skip Montanaro
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