I've almost finished my "translation" to Python of the examples in the
ORBit Beginners Documentation (v1.6)[1]. The last one is the
multi-threaded calculator and I am not too sure how useful it'll be to
do (except for my learning :-) so I've left it for now.

I would very much like to have some feedback on it all, suggestions for
improvement are especially welcome.

Also someone sent me a private email offering some help. Unfortunately I
lost the email (I have been known to do some aggressive cleaning of my
inbox at times), I'd love it if you contacted me again.

You can find the page here:

These are some of the things I've been pondering, any answers/comments
are welcome:

 1. I had a practical problem with putting Python code on a web page (<>
    got lost) and I went looking for a py2html pretty printer that
    didn't create outrageous stuff (basically I want something rather
    low-key, and preferably not full html pages with body-tags and all
    but rather output that can be included. I found nothing and swapped
    to texinfo for the moment. Anyone with a solution to the problem?

 2. (This relates to the NameResolve example) I couldn't get
    CORBA.ORB_init() to accept sys.argv (and hence I couldn't register a
    name-service with -ORBInitRef NameService=IOR:... on the command
    line. I probably made some trivial mistake. Any pointers?

 3. (This relates to the Factory example) With interfaces like this:

     module M {
      interface IA { .. };
      interface IB { IA createA(); };

    and Python classes like this:

     class myIA(M__POA):

     class myIB(M__POA):

    then myIB.createA() can't be naively implemented like this:

     def createA(self):
      return myIA()

     but has to
      1. create, and keep an instance of myIA alive
      2. return that instance's _this()

     Why is it like this? (I guess it has its positive sides to not have
     the CORBA server-side representation of an object keep the instance
     alive, but I can't quite see them.)

     Anyone with an idea of how to kill the server-side Python instance
     immediately? (I currently simply remove it from the list (the list
     is the way I keep the objects alive in the first place) and garbage
     collection will get around to them, can I make sure it happens

Well, that's it for now. Looking forward to being flooded with responses


1. http://www.gnome.org/projects/ORBit2/orbit-docs/orbit/index.html

Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
     -- Douglas Adams

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