
You should have a look at how Dia does this. It's C code alright, but it shows exactly what you want (don't know the class to look, probably lib/display.c). All I can remember is that it's pretty easy (in the end ;-).



Johannes Zellner wrote:

On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 10:41:52AM -0300, Christian Robottom Reis wrote:

On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 03:38:08PM +0200, Johannes Zellner wrote:

the rulers ARE the difficult part! w/o any rulers, it's easy.
The painful thing is to size and scroll the rulers simulaneously
with the drawingarea (which can be placed inside a scrolledwindow).

Why not put rulers and canvas inside the scrolledwindow?

because then the rulers will be scrolled away.
I've attached an approach, which shows how it should look like
(but which doesn't work correctly). There the drawingarea is
about 600 x 400 pixels large, but the viewport is only about
280 x 280 pixels. Note that the rulers were scrolled correctly
to match the visible part of the drawingarea (the rulers start
at about 80 and not zero).

As I've said, the pygtk code which produced the screenshot
doesn't work quite correctly and I thought that there must
be already some code which does the job.



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