I have an option menu full of radio menu items defined via Glade.  At
runtime I'd like to get a string value out of the menu which corresponds to
the selected item.  The displayed label would be fine (I'll force it to be
unique) but I can't figure out how to get at it.  I'm trying to avoid
enumerating all the menu item objects in my code
(e.g. wtree.get_widget("menu-item-N")), preferring instead to leave all
those definitions to the glade user.

I did get a handle on one item from which I called get_group() to get all
the items in the group.  I can then march through that to find the active
item, but can't find a label property or something similar from which I can
extract the text.  I've tried item.get_children(), item.get_child(),
item.get_property("child") and item.forall().  Nothing yields a label

Any clues would be gratefully appreciated.


Skip Montanaro
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