On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 05:32:28AM -0400, Thomas Mills Hinkle wrote:

> I am using the ComboBoxEntry but I was still hoping for an answer to the
> above query -- how to connect to the combo-list popup event. In my case,
> I have a very large model which gets filtered based on other
> EntryWidgets in my GUI -- currently I do the filtering when the focus
> leaves the other widgets, but this isn't quite what I want because it
> creates a confusing pause for some users (depending on the speed of
> their system and size of the data their working with). It makes more
> sense for that pause to happen when they click the little arrow on the
> ComboBoxEntry and only then. Is there a way to connect to this event?

I would suggest using a TreeModelFilter with a custom visible func, e.g.

entries = [refs to your entries here]
filter = mymodel.filter_new()
filter.set_visible_func(visible_func, entries)
def visible_func(model, iter, entries):
    # test model values against entry values
This should track changes in the model and the entries without any "manual"

Dave Cook
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