On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 23:51 +1000, Nigel Tao wrote:
> This is mostly an announcement, but it's also 1) my first foray into
> GNOME hacking and 2) only my second foray into Python, and I am hoping
> for a little help, or some general feedback.
> Gnome has an Applications menu, and an Actions menu.  I wrote a
> Bookmarks menu, to get to my browser's bookmarks.  This idea seems to
> have been tried before (see RELATED WORK section below), but various
> similar projects appear out-of-date or incomplete.
> A screenshot is worth a thousand words, and is at
> http://browserbookapp.sourceforge.net/screenshot-0.1.png


> Source code (GPL) is at
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=122136&package_id=133931&release_id=278276
> -------
> Right now it only reads Firefox bookmarks.  Support for Epiphany and
> Mozilla is planned.

  What about Galeon?! :)
Galeon uses XBEL, and official bookmarks XML standard.

> ------------------------------------------
> The menu (or applet?) has a border around it, but the gnome main menu
> applet "Applications Actions menu" does not.  The screenshot shows
> this (see the vertical bars to the left and right of the blue
> "Bookmarks" menu).  How do I get rid of the border?

  menubar.set_property("shadow-type", gtk.SHADOW_NONE)

> I'm not fluent in [auto]make or RPM .spec files, and would appreciate
> some help.  I found the pygnome-hello example and am looking at that,
> but it isn't a panel applet, so I am not entirely sure how to adapt it
> to:
> 1) install my .server file into the right place

  An potential example for installing .server files 

>  (/usr/lib/bonobo/server in general, but .../lib64/... on x86_64).

  Hm.. I doubt that .server files need to be installed in a lib64 dir.
And I doubt even more that bonobo picks them up if you do.  Anyway, you
should simply let autoconf figure it out by using the expression
$libdir/bonobo/servers in the Makefile.am.

> 2) restart whatever needs to be restarted (gnome-panel??
> bonobo-activation-server??) on installation for it to show up in the
> "Add to Applet" option in the panel context menu.

  I think it shows up in the menu immediately, at least with latest
libbonobo.  Nothing needs to be restarted.

> Also, any leads on writing a .spec file or packaging a python
> gnome-applet as an RPM?  I am completely lost in figuring out what the
> dependencies are - I presume gnome-panel, gnome-python2 and
> gnome-python2-applet - but how do I find out what else (and what
> versions) my software depends on?

>   And is the gnome-python / gnome-python-applet distinction a
> distribution-specific thing?

  Yes, it's a distribution-specific thing.  The official packages are
pygtk and gnome-python.

> ------------
> An old (1999) mailing list post talks about creating a Netscape
> Bookmarks sub-menu of the foot menu
> (http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-devel-list/1999-September/msg00024.html) - 
> Miguel de Icaza replied that "it seems a very good idea", but I don't know where it 
> went from there.  PyGnome 1.4 had a Netscape bookmarks applet 
> (pygnome/examples/bookmarks-applet.py), but this seems to have been dropped in more 
> recent versions of gnome-python.
> Gnome Bookmarks Organizer (gnobog) at http://www.nongnu.org/gnobog/ is
> slightly different (it has its own frame rather than being a panel
> applet) and looks like it's been superseded by Firefox's Bookmarks
> sidebar.
> The Nautilus-Menu applet (http://bitpoetry.com/programs/nautilusmenu/)
> and bookmark-applet (http://gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=278) look
> pretty similar, but they provide access to GTK file-chooser bookmarks
> (local files), not provide access to the browser bookmarks (URLs).
> cheers,
> Nigel.
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Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
The universe is always one step beyond logic

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