On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 20:51 +0100, Martijn Brouwer wrote:
> I do not succeed in using the "show" signal. To isolate my problem I
> have written this "Hello World" program:
> import gtk
> import gtk.glade
> def HelloWorld(widget):
>       print "Hello World!"
> dic={"on_window1_show": HelloWorld}
> Widgets=gtk.glade.XML("onshow.glade", "window1")
> Widgets.signal_autoconnect(dic)
> gtk.main()
> In my glade file I have connected the "show" signal of the mainwindow to
> the on_window1_show handler.
> When I run this program, the window (which only shows a label) is showed
> correctly, but the HelloWorld function is not called.
> Where is my mistake?

  You are connecting the signal _after_ it being emitted.   Try setting
the 'visibile' property of window to false, in glade.  Then, in the
code, connect your signal and then manually show the window, with
Widgets.get_widget("window1").show().  Your callback will then be

> Thanks in advance for helping,
> Martijn Brouwer
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Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
The universe is always one step beyond logic

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