On Sun, 5 Dec 2004 17:13:17 -0500 Thomas Mills Hinkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John -- I'd meant to cc this to the list initially. I still haven't > succeeded in replicating the behavior in a smaller example, but I have > confirmed that this is unique to pygtk 2.5 (I have another box with > pygtk 2.4 where the problem does not occur). I'll post some decent > example code as soon as I can replicate the behavior. And here it is -- I finally tracked it down. The slowdown in appending to a list store only occurs when the liststore is attached to a ComboBox with set_wrap_width() set to something other than one. And it only occurs with pygtk 2.5. Here's a bit of code to demonstrate the bug. Tom
import gtk, time def debug (msg): print "DEBUG: ",msg," (",time.time(),")" class SampleApp (gtk.Dialog): def __init__ (self): gtk.Dialog.__init__(self) self.key_model = gtk.ListStore(str) self.connect('destroy',lambda *args: gtk.mainquit()) self.setup_boxes() self.button = gtk.Button('Add 1000 items') self.button.connect('clicked', self.add_1000_to_model) self.showbug = gtk.Button('set_wrap_width (showoff bugginess)') self.showbug.connect('clicked',self.set_wrap_width) self.action_area.add(self.showbug) self.action_area.add(self.button) self.show_all() self.n = 0 def set_wrap_width (self,*args): self.e.set_wrap_width(3) def setup_boxes (self): self.e = gtk.ComboBoxEntry() self.e.set_model(self.key_model) self.e.set_text_column(0) comp = gtk.EntryCompletion() comp.set_model(self.key_model.filter_new()) comp.set_text_column(0) entry = self.e.get_children()[0] entry.set_completion(comp) hb = gtk.HBox() hb.add(gtk.Label('Key')) hb.add(self.e) self.vbox.add(hb) def add_1000_to_model (self,*args): for n in range(self.n, self.n+1000): self.add_to_model("key%s"%n) self.n += 1000 def add_to_model (self, str1): debug('looking in key_model') if not [str1] in self.key_model: debug('adding key') self.key_model.append([str1]) debug('done with key!') if __name__ == '__main__': sa = SampleApp() sa.run() gtk.main()
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