Dnia 17-12-2004, pią o godzinie 20:01 +0100, Nemesis napisał:
> [Problems with FileChooserDialog]
> > Not really, it's more of lack of GNOME problem than Fluxbox problem
> > :). Basically, you need to be running gnome-settings-daemon to get
> > full-blown GNOME file-selector, otherwise you get more basic Unix
> > implementation, which, amongst others, doesn't have icons for volumes,
> > nor volumes themselves in the first place.
> But I'm using GTK not GNOME. On Windows the Dialog is shown in the right
> way.

That's exactly what I said. If you use pure GTK+ implementation, it'll
have less functionality than GNOME's VFS-based one. On windows there's
no need for gnome-vfs, and instead there's win32-specific implementation
which is (I guess) functionally equivalent to gnome-vfs one, thus you
don't see the effect which occurs on Unix.


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