On Wed, 2005-09-02 at 16:03 +0900, Guillaume Proux wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> Not sure I am barking the right tree, but I am pretty sure that Python 
> can be compiled to represent unicode object either with UCS2 or UCS4.
> Check that out: http://python.fyxm.net/doc/FAQ.html#id182
> Ah the joy of the "i compile all myself distribs" ;)
> G
Thanks.   There was a security update to python just released.  It looks
like a pygtk re-install should fix the unicode mismatch.

> Brian wrote:
> >One of the users of our program is having a problem.
> >
> >ordinateur gnoniqoz # porthole 
> >pycrash module not found.  For best debug info Please emerge >=
> >dev-python/pycrash-0.4pre2 
> >Traceback (most recent call last): 
> >  File "/usr/bin/porthole", line 59, in ? 
> >    import gtk, time 
> >  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py", line
> >33, in ? 
> >    import gobject as _gobject 
> >ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gobject.so:
> >undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_AsUnicode
> >
> >I know that any previous problems with gtk have turned out to be
> >permissions not set correctly.
> >
> >Any ideas what to look for?
> >
> >Thank you.
> >  
> >

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