On Sat, 2005-19-02 at 14:15 +0200, Nikos Kouremenos wrote:
> I have a treeview with:
> COL1      COL2     COL3
> toggle | string | string
> I want if the user clicks on the text on a row of *col2* or *col3* to
> toggle the bool in the *col1*.
> I cannot find a way to do that in GTK.
Here are some code snipits from our app that do the same as you want.
In this case the first time a row is clicked it only selects that row,
the toggle is only changed on every other click in that same row.  I
hope it is clear enough for you.

class PackageView(CommonTreeView):
    """ Self contained treeview of packages """
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialize """
        # initialize the treeview

        # setup the treecolumn
        self._column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Packages"))
        # connect to clicked event
        self.connect("cursor_changed", self._clicked)

    def _init_view(self):
        """ Set the treeview column """
        # add the toggle renderer
        check = gtk.CellRendererToggle()
        self._column.pack_start(check, expand = False)
        self._column.add_attribute(check, "active", 1)
        # set the last selected to nothing
        self._last_selected = None

    def _clicked(self, treeview, *args):
        """ Handles treeview clicks """
        # get the selection
        package = get_treeview_selection(treeview, 1)
        if not package:
            if self._package_changed:
        if package.full_name == self._last_selected:
                model, iter = self.get_selection().get_selected()
                check = model.get_value(iter, 1)
                model.set_value(iter, 1, not check)
        self._last_selected = package.full_name


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