Ionutz Borcoman wrote:
Le Boulanger Yann wrote:

Ionutz Borcoman wrote:

Le Boulanger Yann wrote:

Ionutz Borcoman wrote:


The reference says:

"To make the cursor invisible, use gtk.gdk.Cursor() to create a cursor with no pixels in it."

When I try to use it, I get an error:

 >>> import gtk
 >>> gtk.pygtk_version
(2, 4, 1)
 >>> c = gtk.gdk.Cursor()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: Usage:
  gtk.gdk.Cursor(display, cursor_type)
  gtk.gdk.Cursor(display, pixbuf, x, y)
  gtk.gdk.Cusrsor(source, mask, fg, bg, x, y)

Any idea on what's wrong? Is this not supported in 2.4.1? Is it a bug?


Have a look here[1]. you'll find informations on the way to create a Cursor.


Please read *more carefull* my post. I sent it because the stuff from [1] are not working. Or am I missing something?


gtk.gdk.Cursor() constructor takes one or more arguments, you gave it none. it's the problem.


We are running in circles :/

Please read again the docs. They say you can use the gtk.gdk.Cursor() *with no arguments* to create an invisible cursor. The problem is that it is not working. So it is the problem of the docs or of the library.

So once again, how do I create an invisible cursor, because gtk.gdk.Cursor() *with no arguments* is not working, though this was the supposed way to do it, according to docs.


I think the doc suggests you to use an empty pixbuf, not to run gtk.gdk.Cursors() without arguments.
Maybe i'm wrong :/

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