On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 16:49 +0100, Franck Pommereau wrote:
> Hi all,
> Before to perform some long computation, I would like to commit all
> the pending events (and in particular the one which changes the mouse
> cursor to a clock), so I use:
>         while gtk.events_pending() :
>             gtk.main_iteration(gtk.FALSE)
> Unfortunately, if I used gobject.idle_add before, those idle events
> will be proceeded too and I'll never get out of this loop. Does
> anybody has an idea of how to flush all events but stopping at the
> first idle ones?

I ran into the same issue once, but IIRC I worked around it. What I
don't remember is if I did it by not iterating the pending events, or by
avoiding the idle_add... :-/

               -\- David Eriksson -/-

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