On Sun, 2005-27-03 at 08:51 -0500, Saurabh Wagh wrote:
> Hey there ,
> As posted in a different query, i ve been able to achieve printing the
> contents of a list on a textview, one string on a line.
> I am facing another problem. The list that i get is at runtime , from
> the server ( as a result of xmlrpc call ) and i am displaying the
> contents of the list on a textview using the code :  ( variable name
> for list is "result" )
>  for text in result:
>       textbuffer.insert_at_cursor(text+'/n')
> I ve got to make hyperlink for each item ( which points to a different
> link ) so i had to use tags for each item. Now, since each link is
> different, i ve to identify each click as a distinct click and,
> ideally, the code for that could have been :
> iter1 = textbuffer.get_start_iter()
> iter2 = textbuffer.get_start_iter()
> for text in result:
>       textbuffer.insert_at_cursor(text)
>       iter2.forward_word_end() 
>       textbuffer.apply_tag(tag,iter1,iter2) 
>       iter2 = iter1.forward_line()
>       iter1 = iter2.copy()
> However this code gives me an error as iters are invalidated if buffer
> is modified. I however have to give tags in the same loop as i put
> things on buffer as i need to get their identity while making the
> links.
> Could this be achieved. I ve tried Text Marks but the tags to be
> applied cant take marks as parameters but only iters.
> Can any one help me out with this problem ?
> -- Saurabh

Take a look at summary.py in our code.  It handles multiple url's mouse
motion, highlighting, etc.. 



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