Hey there...

A very strange problem.  I am designing an application to display the
contents of a three dimensional data structure.( residing on server
side )

It comprises of a dropdown ( combo box ) from which, the user selects
the datatype and gets the objects as a list, which are displayed in a
textview widget. those objects are themselves links to further

The code for the callback of the combobox , which has the complete
display function for the list in the viewbox is as follows.

1        def get_view_list(self, data = None):
2            data1 = view_list_combo.entry.get_text()
3            print  data1   # user gets which datatype to query for
4            textbuffer.set_text("")
5            result = viewcalls.viewcallback(data1) 

# This is query for objects of that datatype , defined in some other file
# list of names is obtained in the result file. 
6            def hyperlink_handler(tag, widget, event, iter):
7                  line_number = iter.get_line()    
8                  print(line_number)
9                  if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE:
10                   print(result[line_number])

# Defn of event on tag "hyperlink" , for now, just on trial purpose
displayin the
# name of the object. Tag has been displayed outside the function. 

11           hyperlink.connect('event', hyperlink_handler)
12           for text in result:
13               textbuffer.insert_at_cursor(text + '\n')

# to insert text into the textbuffer
14           iter1 = textbuffer.get_start_iter()
15           iter = textbuffer.get_start_iter()

16           flag = iter.forward_to_line_end()

17           while(flag != 0) : 
18                 textbuffer.apply_tag(hyperlink,iter,iter1) 
19                 flag = iter.forward_line()
20                 iter1 = iter.copy()
21                 iter.forward_to_line_end()

# to set hyperlink tag to each item and to detect the linenumber so as
to pass it
# to the function as itz same as position of the item in list.

The Problem : i ll explain with an example

when i select "metatype" from ComboBox, list of metatypes comes into
variable - result (code line 5). and is also displayed on screen(Code
line 12-13). now clicking on any one name (say -- animal on line 3 of
text buffer) , displays that name since call prints result[3] ( code
line 6 - 10 )

Now, however, after selecting somethign else from the combobox , say
"ObjectType" , again, the list comes in result ( Code line 5 ) and is
displayed on screen ( code line 12 - 13 ) .

But When i click on any object ( say man, present on line 3 of buffer,
) not only the man ( result[3] ) is printed , but also animal ( which
was at that position in the variable during prev iteration )

I dont know, why the values of result variable are not over written
but are preserved everytime i call the event handler for the
hyperlink. Do i have to manually clear them ?? how do i do that ??

I am stuck up at this point, since it doesnt record a unique name
which i want to go ahead with the coding.. Can someone please help me
out with this..

Thanks a million in anticipation..

-- Saurabh
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