>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Chaplin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Steve> Try running embedding_in_gtk.py and moving another window
    Steve> partly in front of it, then click the embedding_in_gtk
    Steve> window to bring it back on top - does the window get
    Steve> redrawn?

    Steve> I can verify that on PyGTK 2.4 on Linux it works fine.
    Steve> Could you test it on PyGTK 2.6, and also report the
    Steve> operating system you are using.

I get the problem in Ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog ( 2.16.10 I think), with a
normal mpl pylab figure in GTKAgg.  It is hard to see with normal
figure sizes, because the tooltips by default appear below the toolbar
and thus do not occlude the FigureCanvas, but if you resize the figure
so that it takes up the entire vertical extent of the desktop, and
then hover over the toolbar, the tooltips will occlude the canvas and
will expose the bug -- no pun intended :-)  The basic problem is that
the area occluded by the tooltip is not redrawn when, for example, you
hover over a different toolbar button.

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