Rich Burridge wrote:


We (Sun Microsystems) are in the process of integrating PyORBIT, PyGtk and
gnome-python into our next major Solaris JDS (GNOME) release. One of the
steps in order to achieve this is to get the project reviewed by an
architectural review committee. The committee has a "20 questions"


                                Proposed             Former Stability
Interface                       Stability            Classification
Name                            Classification       or Other Comments
------------------------        -------------        --------------------

  "import atk"                    External           Pygtk imports [1]
  "import glade"                  External

This is found as

  "import pygtk"                  External

You also have: gtk.keysyms, gtk.gdk and gtk.compat (for some compatilibity with ancient versions)

Not needed, only a wrapper for handling multiple installed versions.

Note that some parts of the documentation still needs to be written,
atk is completely missing for instance.

What I don't seem to be able to find is the equivalent for PyORBIT
or gnome-python. I've just downloaded the source tarball at:

There's as far as I know no documentation for gnome-python or pyorbit.

The easiest way to get a list of APIs is to write a script which goes
through all the modules and introspects them (using dir/getattr/isinstance).

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