On Wed, 2005-02-11 at 13:53 -0500, Thomas Mills Hinkle wrote:
> On 11/2/05, Rob Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all.
> >
> > Quick question regarding notebook signals:
> >
> > I have an app with a notebook. I need to detect when a user switches to
> > another page.
> >
> > Problem is this - when I detect the 'switch_page' signal and use
> > notebook.get_current_page()  I'm getting the page that the user  *was *on.
> >
> > The other signals like 'switch_page' and 'change_current_page' don't
> > seem to be being fired at all. I need a way to detect the page the
> > user has selected after he has switched to it.
> >
> > How is this done please?
> Today seems to be my day for sharing ugly solutions with the list...
> here's what I do:
> def hackish_notebook_switcher_handler (*args):
>       # because the switch page signal happens before switching...
>       # we'll need to look for the switch with an idle call
>       gobject.idle_add(self.notebookChangeCB)
> def notebookChangeCB (*args):
>        page=self.notebook.get_current_page()
>        # Do something with the page...
> self.notebook.connect('switch-page',hackish_notebook_switcher_handler)
> Yeah, as I said not pretty.
> Knowing myself, I imagine I looked pretty hard for a better solution
> before implementing that, so this may be what you have to do.
> If not, someone please show me the better way too!
> Tom

Here is how we do it without a hack.

    self.notebook.connect("switch-page", self.switch_page)

    def switch_page(self, notebook, page, page_num):
        """callback function changes the current_page setting in the term 
        dprint("TERMINAL: switch_page; page_num = %d" %page_num)
        self.term.current_tab = self.term.visible_tablist[page_num]
        if self.term.auto_scroll[self.term.current_tab]:

You should be able to decipher the above code snipit without more
explanation.  We have a number of tabs that may or may not be visible.

The pygtk reference page:

and the pertinent info:

The "switch-page" gtk.Notebook Signal
    def callback(notebook, page, page_num, user_param1, ...)
notebook :
the notebook that received the signal
page :
the new current page
page_num :
the index of the new current page
user_param1Â :
the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method
... :
additional user parameters (if any)

The "switch-page" signal is emitted when the notebook page is changed.
Note the page parameter is a GPointer and not usable within PyGTK. Use
the page_num parameter to retrieve the new current page using the
get_nth_page() method.


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