On Mon, 2005-11-28 at 22:47 +0100, dannym wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Montag, den 28.11.2005, 15:47 -0500 schrieb Graham Ashton:
> > On Monday 28 November, dannym wrote:
> > 
> > > Usually you just use a modal event loop:
> > > 
> > > dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog()
> > > answer = dialog.run() # hangs around until dialog is closed
> > > del dialog
> > 
> > Hi. Wouldn't it be better to say:
> > 
> >   dialog.destroy()
> > 
> > instead of
> > 
> >   del dialog
> > 
> > ?
> > 
> > It was a long time ago that I did looked into this, but I found that
> > in order to avoid memory leaks in long running processes that
> > created/destroyed a lot of widgets, I had to explicitly call destroy()
> > myself. I confess I'm not even sure if del calls it for you...
> I have no idea. My gut feeling says that exactly the same should happen
> when you del it manually than what would happen if it were just gc'ed
> after you closed it.
> However, your scenario is entirely possible too (i.e. gtk_object_destroy
> is never called. Note that gtk_object_destroy is merely a method that
> emits a signal "destroy" to which others can connect and make sure that
> they don't hold a reference to the widget anymore, which would have
> caused it to idle around indefinitely, as an immortal)
> Would be worth testing .. care to test? :)

  You need to call dialog.destroy().  "del dialog" doesn't work because
gtk+ itself always keeps one last reference to toplevel windows until
you destroy() them (or until they are implicitly destroyed by the user
clicking the close window button).

  This must be documented somewhere, I would imagine?...

Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
The universe is always one step beyond logic

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