On Qua, 2006-02-22 at 13:02 -0500, Mystilleef wrote:
> Hello,
> Most I/O libraries have functions that determine whether
> users have access rights or permissions to a particular
> file. The GNOME-VFS Python binding seems to have some for
> permissions but I have not found any for access rights.
> In particular, I'm looking for
>       gnomevfs.PERM_ACCESS_READABLE
>       gnomevfs.PERM_ACCESS_WRITABLE
> or their equivalent. These fields seem to be present in the
> GNOME-VFS C binding, at least according to the documenation.

  *sigh* please use bugzilla for these things.  It appears these
constants are missing, I'll have to add them in next release cycle.  In
the mean time you can define them yourself in your code; just peek into
the C header file.

> Thanks
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Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
The universe is always one step beyond logic.

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