Hello All, 
Does anyone know if something like the wrap_width function is implemented for 
the CellRendererCombo in pygtk? 
Heres the scenario. 
I populate my combobox (in my treeview) dynamically and want to display it in 
more than one column if the list is large.

This is how I set it up :

model = gtk.Liststore(str)
tree_store_col = 0
cell_renderer = gtk.CellRendererCombo()
cell_renderer.set_property('text-column', 0)            
cell_renderer.set_property('editable', True)
new_col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(col_name, cell_renderer, text=tree_store_col)
cell_renderer.connect('editing-started', populate_combo, (tree_store,))

And this is how I populate the combobox in the populate_combo callback
def populate_combo(self, cell, editable, path, data):
    store = data[0]
    iter = store.get_iter(path)
    items = self.get_list() # my function get_list() returns a list of strings
    m = cell.get_property('model')
    for s in items:

so if my items list is large, it gets frustrating to scroll the entire list to 
get to the required item. It would be nice if the items were displayed in more 
than one column (for eg.)
Any suggestions on how to make this better?


Hussein Vastani

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