Hi everybody,

I'm happy to announce the 0.6.6 version of Gazpacho.

As soon as files reaches the mirror you can fetch them from:

Gazpacho is a PyGTK application that let you design the Graphical User
Interface of your GTK+ programs.

Enhancements and fixes since 0.6.5:
- Now depends on kiwi
- better default (label, button, frame, expander)
- multiple selections (mainly for sizegroups)
- support for gzip and bzip2 compressed files
- Lot's of bug fixes:
  #329120: The widget tree isn't updated when the widget name changes
  #330180: Project: widget dict isn't updated after name changes
  #330459: Disable preview action
  #168412: [PATCH] Opening a glade file containing a Gnome Canvas pr...
  #319514: Crash when editing a menubar's name
  #326342: Child properties are confused with normal
  #329094: app.py:539 IndexError: list index out of range
  #329881: editor.py:400 AttributeError: 'GtkLabel::label' object ha...
  #329914: Dialog: properties not saved correctly
  #329916: Box: changing size should remove placeholders first
  #330069: Bars: crash when editing ui definitions
  #330775: prop_registry.override_simple bug
  #332225: Dialog: border width property of the vbox should be hidden
  #332243: Patch: better default values for a few widgets
  #332607: app.py:981 TypeError: messagedialog() got an unexpected k...
  #333018: uieditor.py:251 TypeError: GtkContainer.add() argument 1 ...
  #333034: widgetview.py:336 TypeError: iter should be a GtkTreeIter
  #333043: Crash when changing names of two widgets
  #334460: Crash when opening an invalid glade file
  #334905: Missing signal from glade file
  #335156: [patch] setup.py installs $datadir/catalogs/base.xml to t...
  #335908: Traceback trying to enter U+2022 with Shift+Ctrl in the I...
  #336547: Show active project in project menu
  #336979: loader should create accelerator for action having a stoc...
  #336994: signal_autoconnect should(?) ignore signals missing from ...
  #337094: disable project property menu when no project
  #338340: app.py:890 UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode ...
  #338465: app.py:1116 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attr...
  #339635: Notebook: page isn't updated when selecting widgets

Contributors to this release
Christopher Aillon
Dave Cook
Johan Dahlin
Radek Grezlak
Gary Jaffe
Mattias Karlsson
Zygmunt Krynicki
Luca Lorenzetto
Bruno Luca
Fernando San Martín
Inigo Aldazabal Mensa
Patrick O'Brien
Gauvain Pocentek
Lorenzo Gil Sanchez
Scott Tsai
Kalle Vahlman


Homepage     http://gazpacho.sicem.biz
Download     http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gazpacho/0.6/
Mailing list http://www.sicem.biz/mailman/listinfo/gazpacho
Source code  http://www.sicem.biz/viewsvn/gazpacho/
Bug tracker  http://bugzilla.gnome.org
Gnome files  http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=646

Johan Dahlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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